Posted by & filed under Credit.

Sep 27, 2024

Fall is the time to put a priority on enhancing credit knowledge and career building. Our new fall conferences have been rebranded to Credit in the West and will be hosted in Portland, Denver, and Anaheim. We understand budgets are tight and yet the continued need for credit professionals to remain sharp in the latest credit trends. These conferences have been discounted as an appreciation to our membership. Please visit for all conference information. If you haven’t seen the latest special promotion on registration running this week, reach out right away because the offer ends September 30. Through Monday, we have a 1-day offer and a discount for a second person at your company to attend.

Make sure you read the article in this Business Credit Journal by Dr. Jeremy Graves on what millennials have to say on the leadership topic. It really made me take a step back to listen, absorb the thought process, and understand how to react with a new mindset. Jeremy will be speaking at all three conferences this year. You should make sure you’re in attendance! CEU points are always available for all educational programs.

Partnering with a marketing/design company this year, our staff is working on a rewrite of Commercial Services’ entire website. The project is expected to roll out in Q4 to our membership. We’re so excited to share all the upgrades and enhancements to resources and tools just for you! Watch for it…. Wait for it! It’s going to be GOOD.

NACMCS staff is here to assist, talk through challenges, and resolve your business credit concerns.
Give us a call; we’d love to discuss what’s happening in your world.

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